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知行合1的个人空间 https://zhongguojie.org/?192529 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



热度 6已有 1238 次阅读2012-4-18 14:38 |个人分类:其他


A sense of affection
I'd rather it dispersed in my world
Once it had been sweet-milk flesh memory
But now become sour and no sparking and daring

When I track back and endeavour to seize it
---- flicking through my eyes without a rest
I missed him
Was it my reverie?

I was misleading by the fate the God had arranged
I felt guilty for him
Aimed at not hurt him anymore
I tentatively draw a line between us
and attempt to keep an cold eye on him and insolence him

He touch it and soon took an vengeance on me
Discarded all his memory that we had passed through altogether
The hypocrisy words and an air of haughty attitude
Frozen my enthusiasm and put it to nadir

Tore my memory apart from him is a miserable thing
While,keep it along and resolved to restore it would be even harder

He succeed in shaking a chill on my backbone
Which would be an injection of narcotic
instead of stimulus in my body
Desperation,frustation made me lost my instinct to react to him

How wonders the ladies are
Make the high IQ becomes AQ
and beguiled you into the traps they made in advance
She's mind would be a kaleidoscopic exposure
You may lost faith in grope you way out

How deceitful the feminine are
She prefer to say No rather than Yes
Conceiling her thought ,Never yield to you

The ambivalence girl
When you wear a mask ,you can deceive the world
except your own heart
Lounge alone in the street is the lot you should deserve!






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回复 数不到三 2012-4-19 11:33
回复 知行合1 2012-4-19 11:44
数不到三: 看不懂!
以前父母会偷看我的日记,所以我后来敏感的地方全换成英语的。 我现在还挺佩服当时的自己,只记得那段时间很难过,有感而发写了一段。家里还有手稿,现在都成往事了~~~~~~~~~~
回复 数不到三 2012-4-19 11:48
知行合1: 我现在还挺佩服当时的自己,只记得那段时间很难过,有感而发写了一段。家里还有手稿,现在都成往事了~~~~~~~~~~
回复 许悦 2012-4-20 10:17

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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